NPQ Programmes
As a delivery partner of Teach First, we offer the following Leadership and Specialist National Professional Qualifications (NPQ's) to schools and settings across our region.
Leadership NPQ's
For those looking to deepen their knowledge in, or progress into senior leadership and beyond, the following NPQs build foundational knowledge to rapidly progress your setting’s or trust’s key improvement priorities – all while creating and embedding a culture that allows your staff and children to thrive:
National Professional Qualifications Executive Leadership (NPQEL)
National Professional Qualification Headship (NPQH)
Early Headship Coaching Offer (EHCO)
National Professional Qualification Early Years Leadership (NPQEYL)
National Professional Qualification Senior Leadership (NPQSL)
National Professional Qualification Special Education Needs Co Ordinator (NPQSENCO)
Specialist NPQs
There are five specialist NPQs for teachers and leaders who want to broaden their expertise in one of the following areas:
National Professional Qualification Leading Teaching (NPQLT)
National Professional Qualification Leading Literacy (NPQLL)
National Professional Qualification Leading Teacher Development (NPQLTD)
National Professional Qualification Leading Behaviour and Culture (NPQLBC)
National Professional Qualification Leading Primary Maths (NPQLPM)
How do I apply for an NPQ programme?
The DfE portal is open for Cohort 4b, commencing in April 2025.
If you are interested in undertaking an NPQ for the next academic year, please complete the expression of interest form. We will contact you once the DfE portal opens next academic year.
You can then follow the 3 stages below and apply for an NPQ.
1: Explore
On our website, there are a number of useful resources, handbooks and frameworks to help you decide which NPQ is best for you. At this point if you have any questions about our NPQs or the programmes in general, then please contact us via
After you have explored our NPQs, you can use the link to register your interest in our next cohort.
2: Apply for a funded place to the DfE
Please be aware that the wording on the DfE service currently asks applicants to select whether they are registering for an NPQ that starts before April 2025 or after. All applicants should select 'before April 2025' if you wish to be part of the April cohort.
Once you have identified the NPQ that you would like to apply for, please follow these steps.
Step 1 apply to the DfE for a NPQ and associated funding, choosing Teach First as the provider. - please note NPQH, EHCO, NPQSENCo and NPQLPM are all fully funded however we have limited places to offer.
- If you work in early years or childcare, check if your workplace is registeredwith Ofsted and get their Ofsted Unique Reference Number (URN) if they have one.
- Check if you have a teacher reference number (TRN). If you are not a teacher, you can still register, but you will need to request a TRN.
As places are limited, once they have been allocated, schools will have to self-fund. Details of funding are contained within the application form in stage 3 below.
We are allocating places on a first come, first served basis for funded places, so please do not delay in applying.
3: Apply to Potentia TSH
Once you have looked at the application criteria/processes and decided on the NPQ you wish to enrol in, please follow the steps below.
Step 1
Apply for a NPQ directly with us using the link below.
Step 2
Once we have received the application, there is a screening process that is performed. You will receive notification of your application being processed within 5 working days. (If you have not heard anything, please check your junk/spam folder or get in touch using the email).
In your application you will need to demonstrate your programme readiness and explain your motivations. We appreciate that it can be challenging to pinpoint this within 400 words. We have therefore shared with you the elements that could be included in an example response.
Step 3
Once we have received confirmation of your application for funding from the DfE/Teach First, we will send a confirmation email of your successful application and funded place (if applicable). If you are applying for a school funded/self funded/other funded place, you will receive a confirmation email once your application has been screened.
Step 4
Onboarding for April 2025 will commence
Further Information
If you would like to find out more about our upcoming NPQs from April 2025, please download our NPQ flyer for 2024/25.
Alternatively, you can use the expanding menus below to find information related to some of the key Frequently Asked Questions that you may have about NPQs.
What are the NPQ's?
National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) are the most widely recognised qualifications in the education sector for current and aspiring leaders.
Accredited by the Department for Education (DfE), NPQs provide training and support for teachers and leaders at all levels. They will support you to develop the skills and knowledge to progress in your career and to support your school/setting.
Broaden and deepen your expertise in your specialist area with Teach First and Potentia TSH
Our NPQs provide the opportunity to refresh and fill gaps in knowledge, allowing for different levels of prior experience. Each programme focusses on both the ‘how’ and the ‘what’ - we’ve designed the learning to be relevant and practical through the use of real-life examples, case studies and best practice from a range of contexts specific to your role and level.
How will I be assessed?
The assessment process for all NPQ's has been refreshed to reduce the workload burden on teachers while still providing an opportunity to apply their knowledge. To pass the programme, you’ll need to engage with at least 90% of the programme and pass one assessment.
All NPQ's have a single summative assessment that takes place shortly after you have completed your NPQ programme. .
You will have an eight-day window to provide a written response of a maximum of 1500 words for the case study (unless adjustments are required on an individual basis) in an ‘open book’ setting. This means that you can use all of your previous learning and experiences throughout your NPQ programme to help shape your response.
You will receive the unseen case study question at the start of the eight-day window, and submit your response by midnight of the eighth day.
Which NPQ is best for me?
The National Professional Qualification for Executive Leadership (NPQEL) is designed for school leaders who are, or aspire to be, an Executive Headteacher or have a CEO role within a school trust with responsibility for leading several schools. It may also be helpful for executive leaders responsible for other functions within a trust seeking to broaden their understanding of educational leadership.
The existing NPQ for Headship has been reformed to accommodate the latest evidence-based findings and reflect the new Headteachers’ Standards.
The National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH) is designed for school leaders who are, or aspire to be, a Headteacher or Head of School with responsibility for leading a school.
Individuals working in the role of Headteacher, or Principal, have a role which is both strategic and operational, requiring a strong understanding of their educational communities and the colleagues they work with, lead, and manage.
Our Early Headship Coaching Offer (EHCO) is a 12-month programme of targeted support for headteachers and Heads of Schools in their first five years of headship.
This is all about helping you embed the learning from your NPQ for Headship, sharing and receiving support from your peers, gaining confidence and achieving early success in your role.
Our EHCO programme has been designed by EDT Associate and school leadership expert Maggie Farrar, and tailored to augment the knowledge and skills developed on your NPQH journey. It is not assessed.
The National Professional Qualification for Early Years Leadership (NPQEYL) is designed for leaders (qualified to at least Level 3) who are, or are aspiring to be:
- managers of private, voluntary & independent nurseries
- headteachers of school-based or maintained nurseries
- childminders with leadership responsibilities
The National Professional Qualification for Senior Leadership (NPQSL) is designed for school leaders who are, or aspire to be, a senior leader with cross-school responsibilities.
Senior Leaders often contribute to all aspects of a school as part of the leadership team. Their role is often both operational and strategic and relies on working with and through colleagues to ensure a successful educational environment.
Individuals working in this type of role need a depth of expertise across a number of specialist areas, maintain an ambitious vision for their schools and establish a learning culture and environment in which staff and pupils can thrive.
September 2024
The NPQSENCO will be available from September 2024 and will replace the existing NASEN SENCO award. All SENCOs who do not hold an existing NASEN SENCO award will be directed to complete the NPQSEND from September 2023. SENCOs who already hold the NASEN SENCO award will not be required to complete the new NPQSENCO.
The National Professional Qualification for Leading Teaching (NPQLT) is designed for teachers who have, or aspire to have, responsibilities for leading teaching in a subject, year group, key stage or phase.
Individuals working in this type of role often manage a team of teachers and focus on supporting effective teaching across the school.
They need to have expertise across several specialist areas and have a thorough understanding of the pupils and colleagues they work with, all while maintaining the highest professional conduct as set out in the Teachers’ Standards, to ensure staff and pupils can thrive.
The National Professional Qualification for Leading Literacy (NPQLL) is designed for teachers who have, or aspire to have, responsibilities for leading literacy across a school, year group, key stage or phase.
Individuals working in this type of role often contribute to strategic school development, lead a team of teachers, and are focused on supporting effective teaching of literacy across the school.
They need to have expertise across several specialist areas and have a thorough understanding of the pupils and colleagues they work with, all while maintaining the highest professional conduct as set out in the Teachers’ Standards, to ensure staff and pupils can thrive.
The National Professional Qualification for Leading Teacher Development (NPQLTD) is designed for teachers who have, or aspire to have, responsibilities for leading the development of other teachers in their school. They may have responsibilities for the development of all teachers across a school or specifically trainees or teachers who are early in their career.
Individuals working in this type of role face multiple challenges and may indirectly manage a team of mentors or coaches, as well as supporting initial teacher training, early career teachers as well as the wider professional development of colleagues within a school.
This course is suitable for all teachers and leaders who are, or want to be, involved in developing and implementing behaviour and wellbeing strategies in their school
This course is also suitable for other specialised roles including:
- behaviour management lead
- special educational needs co-ordinator
- welfare management manager
- pastoral team lead
- key stage and phase leaders
- social, emotional and mental health lead
NPQ Leading Primary Maths
The Primary Maths NPQ complements the existing primary Teaching for Mastery content delivered by Maths Hubs - the Primary Maths NPQ will focus on leadership and teach participants how to train and lead colleagues, including their leadership team, to embed mastery teaching throughout the school.
What is the Schedule?
Specialist NPQs
For NPQLT, NPQLBC, NPQLT, NPQLTD and NPQLPM, you’ll take part in the following learning activities over a period of 12 months before completing your summative assessment:
Leadership NPQs
For NPQSL, NPQH, NPQEYL, NPQEL and NPQSENCO, you’ll take part in the following learning activities over a period of 18 months before completing your summative assessment:
You can find more detail about each NPQ programme via the links on the right hand side list on this page.