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NPQ Programmes

As a delivery partner of Education Development Trust (EDT) we offer the following Leadership and Specialist National Professional Qualifications (NPQ's) to schools and settings across our region.

Leadership NPQ's

The leadership NPQ's guide experienced and aspiring leaders through learning that examines the three layers of influence: culture in their school, trust or early years setting; the organisational conditions which bring this culture to life; and how these conditions can promote excellent teaching in every classroom, or excellent learning and care in all early years learning environments.

National Professional Qualifications Executive Leadership (NPQEL)

National Professional Qualification Headship (NPQH)

Early Headship Coaching Offer (EHCO)

National Professional Qualification Early Years Leadership (NPQEYL)

National Professional Qualification Senior Leadership (NPQSL)

National Professional Qualification Special Education Needs Co Ordinator (NPQSENCO)

Specialist NPQs

For teachers taking their first steps into specialist leadership roles, our specialist NPQ's support practitioners towards mastery of relevant expertise, giving them the knowledge and tools to develop others and extend their influence beyond their own classrooms. 

National Professional Qualification Leading Teaching (NPQLT)

National Professional Qualification Leading Literacy (NPQLL)

National Professional Qualification Leading Teacher Development (NPQLTD)

National Professional Qualification Leading Behaviour and Culture (NPQLBC)

National Professional Qualification Leading Primary Maths (NPQLPM)



How do I apply for an NPQ programme?

Places on all NPQ programmes are limited - please secure your fully funded place early by completing the steps below:

1: Explore

On our website there are a number of useful resources, handbooks and frameworks to help you decide which NPQ is best for you. At this point if you have any questions about our NPQs or the programmes in general, then please contact us via

2: Register

Once you have identified the NPQ that you would like to apply for please contact in the first instance. This will allow us to register your interest and support you through each step of the application process.

  • You will then need to register for an NPQ with the DfE here
  • When registering we recommend that you use a personal email as school email software can sometimes block communications from EDT
  • If you work in early years or childcare, check if your workplace is registered with Ofsted and get their Ofsted Unique Reference Number (URN) if they have one.
  • Check if you have a teacher reference number (TRN). If you are not a teacher you can still register but you will need to request a TRN.

Once you have registered, your details will be validated by the DfE before being passed to EDT as your lead provider. This can take a number of days.

3: Apply

Once EDT has received your registration from the DfE you will be sent a welcome email and survey. The survey is where you will select your Delivery parter for your NPQ, which in this instance is Potentia TSH. We will then receive your application, assess its suitability for the NPQ applied to and if successful, make contact to begin onboarding.

Further Information

If you would like to find out more about our NPQ's, please download our NPQ brochure for 2023/24.



Alternatively you can use the expanding menus below to find information related to some of the key Frequently Asked Questions that you may have about NPQs. 

What are the NPQ's?

Built around the real needs of educational settings and leaders

Our National Professional Qualifications (NPQ's) empower leaders and aspiring leaders to create conditions for change, embedding evidence-informed teaching and learning in the classroom, department, school, early years setting or trust.

All our NPQ's are fully funded for staff at state-funded schools and colleges.

How will I be assessed?

The assessment process for all NPQ's has been refreshed to reduce the workload burden on teachers while still providing an opportunity to apply their knowledge. To pass the programme, you’ll need to engage with at least 90% of the programme and pass one assessment.

All NPQ's have a single summative assessment that takes place shortly after you have completed your NPQ programme. 

Throughout the programme, you will participate in Micro Implementation Tasks (MIT's) and complete self study via the EDT portal that enable you to apply your learning to your role. Through your attendance at face to face sessions, live webinars and completion of the MIT's you will be able to demonstrate the required 90% engagement with the programme. This is required before you can commence the summative assessment at the end of your NPQ programme.

Once you commence your NPQ programme, EDT will provide you with the dates of the Summative Assessment. This will take the form of a theoretical case study which focusses on an area relevant to the NPQ qualification level. This will allow you to demonstrate your understanding of the relevant NPQ Content Framework, how you would use evidence from your self study to affect change whilst using your experience of completing MIT's within your setting to inform your response. 

You will have an eight-day window to provide a written response of a maximum of 1500 words for the case study (unless adjustments are required on an individual basis) in an ‘open book’ setting. This means that you can use all of your previous learning and experiences  throughout your NPQ programme to help shape your response.

You will receive the unseen case study question at the start of the eight-day window; and submit your response by midnight of the eighth day

Which NPQ is best for me?


The National Professional Qualification for Executive Leadership (NPQEL) is designed for school leaders who are, or aspire to be, an Executive Headteacher or have a CEO role within a school trust with responsibility for leading several schools. It may also be helpful for executive leaders responsible for other functions within a trust seeking to broaden their understanding of educational leadership.


The existing NPQ for Headship has been reformed to accommodate the latest evidence-based findings and reflect the new Headteachers’ Standards.

The National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH) is designed for school leaders who are, or aspire to be, a Headteacher or Head of School with responsibility for leading a school.

Individuals working in the role of Headteacher, or Principal, have a role which is both strategic and operational, requiring a strong understanding of their educational communities and the colleagues they work with, lead, and manage.


Our Early Headship Coaching Offer (EHCO) is a 12-month programme of targeted support for headteachers and Heads of Schools in their first five years of headship.

This is all about helping you embed the learning from your NPQ for Headship, sharing and receiving support from your peers, gaining confidence and achieving early success in your role.

Our EHCO programme has been designed by EDT Associate and school leadership expert Maggie Farrar, and tailored to augment the knowledge and skills developed on your NPQH journey. It is not assessed.


The National Professional Qualification for Early Years Leadership (NPQEYL) is designed for leaders (qualified to at least Level 3) who are, or are aspiring to be:

  • managers of private, voluntary & independent nurseries
  • headteachers of school-based or maintained nurseries
  • childminders with leadership responsibilities


The National Professional Qualification for Senior Leadership (NPQSL) is designed for school leaders who are, or aspire to be, a senior leader with cross-school responsibilities.

Senior Leaders often contribute to all aspects of a school as part of the leadership team. Their role is often both operational and strategic and relies on working with and through colleagues to ensure a successful educational environment.

Individuals working in this type of role need a depth of expertise across a number of specialist areas, maintain an ambitious vision for their schools and establish a learning culture and environment in which staff and pupils can thrive.


September 2024

The NPQSENCO will be available from September 2024 and will replace the existing NASEN SENCO award. All SENCOs who do not hold an existing NASEN SENCO award will be directed to complete the NPQSEND from September 2023. SENCOs who already hold the NASEN SENCO award will not be required to complete the new NPQSENCO.


The National Professional Qualification for Leading Teaching (NPQLT) is designed for teachers who have, or aspire to have, responsibilities for leading teaching in a subject, year group, key stage or phase.

Individuals working in this type of role often manage a team of teachers and focus on supporting effective teaching across the school.

They need to have expertise across several specialist areas and have a thorough understanding of the pupils and colleagues they work with, all while maintaining the highest professional conduct as set out in the Teachers’ Standards, to ensure staff and pupils can thrive.


The National Professional Qualification for Leading Literacy (NPQLL) is designed for teachers who have, or aspire to have, responsibilities for leading literacy across a school, year group, key stage or phase.

Individuals working in this type of role often contribute to strategic school development, lead a team of teachers, and are focused on supporting effective teaching of literacy across the school.

They need to have expertise across several specialist areas and have a thorough understanding of the pupils and colleagues they work with, all while maintaining the highest professional conduct as set out in the Teachers’ Standards, to ensure staff and pupils can thrive.


The National Professional Qualification for Leading Teacher Development (NPQLTD) is designed for teachers who have, or aspire to have, responsibilities for leading the development of other teachers in their school. They may have responsibilities for the development of all teachers across a school or specifically trainees or teachers who are early in their career.

Individuals working in this type of role face multiple challenges and may indirectly manage a team of mentors or coaches, as well as supporting initial teacher training, early career teachers as well as the wider professional development of colleagues within a school.


This course is suitable for all teachers and leaders who are, or want to be, involved in developing and implementing behaviour and wellbeing strategies in their school

This course is also suitable for other specialised roles including:

  • behaviour management lead
  • special educational needs co-ordinator
  • welfare management manager
  • pastoral team lead
  • key stage and phase leaders
  • social, emotional and mental health lead

NPQ Leading Primary Maths 

Spring 2023

The Primary Maths NPQ will complement and avoid duplication of the existing primary Teaching for Mastery content delivered by Maths Hubs - the Primary Maths NPQ will focus on leadership and teach participants how to train and lead colleagues, including their leadership team, to embed mastery teaching throughout the school.

What is the Schedule?

If you require more information about the EHCO timetable, please click here.











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