Dear colleague,
As we finish for Easter, we want to wish you a restful and enjoyable break.
In this month's newsletter, there is some key information we want to share with you which you may require as we move into the summer term or as you begin looking ahead to the Autumn of 2024.
National Professional Qualifications
At the end of March, the DfE published guidance about scholarship funding for NPQ's from the Autumn of 2024. If you are considering accessing an NPQ from Autumn 2024, it is vital that you read the information in our NPQ section this month.
Initial Teacher Training (ITT)
Both us and the DfE are in the process of mapping the regions' schools and their levels of engagement with ITT, whilst developing a new service that will enable schools to record their capability to host trainee teachers. If you have the time to support our survey and or engage with the DfE to support the development of this service, then please read below for more information.
Have you got a member of staff who is an April starter on our ECF programme? In this month's newsletter you will find information and links to help you ensure that these ECT's are registered for both ECF and our Appropriate Body (AB).
In this month's coffee break, we have included information about NEFR's Teacher Labour Market in England Annual Review for 2024 and their key findings.
Kind regards,
Alan and the Potentia Team
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ITT School Engagement National Survey
We are currently contacting all schools in our region to invite school leaders to complete this survey. We have been directed by the DfE to deliver new strategic roles to support local ITT delivery ahead of the reforms in September 2024. This survey is an opportunity for you to support us to:
- Understand the local ITT market, context and challenges
- Facilitate school engagement in ITT
It is also an opportunity for you to express an interest in supporting school placements in 2024-25.
The survey will only take between 5-8 minutes to complete. Your contributions are invaluable to gain an accurate and complete picture of ITT provision in our region.
Here is the link: Initial Teacher Training School Engagement National Survey
Research with schools that host placements and ITT providers
The DfE is developing a new service that allows schools to record their capability to host trainees. The service is being designed to help ITT providers and placement schools identify partnership opportunities more efficiently. DfE colleagues are looking for research participants that are representatives from schools that host placements and provide mentors for trainee teachers.
The research sessions will take place across February to April and involve a 1 hour video call using Microsoft Teams. Sessions will be scheduled at times that work for your availability and work patterns. To participate in the research, please contact: robert.kettrick@education.gov.uk
National Professional Qualifications (NPQs)
Scholarship Funding for Autumn 2024
Funding for autumn 2024 will target those teachers and leaders who work in the most challenging schools or educational settings, serving more disadvantaged communities.
Scholarship funding to cover the full NPQ course cost will be available to teachers and leaders from:
The 50% of schools with the highest proportion of students who attract pupil premium funding
16 to 19 educational settings identified as having high disadvantage
For the early years leadership NPQ, highly disadvantaged early years settings will also be eligible.
Scholarships will continue to be available to all teachers and leaders from publicly funded schools and 16 to 19 educational organisations for the following NPQs:
Leading primary maths
For the early headship coaching offer, funding to cover the course fees will be available if you are in your first 5 years of headship in England in a state-funded school or state-funded 16 to 19 organisation. You should also be doing or have done the headship NPQ.
Checking Eligibility
You should check the course eligibility criteria before you register. You may meet the funding criteria but not the course eligibility.
You can find out how to check the eligibility of your workplace for autumn 2024 when registration opens later this year.
If you are interested in an NPQ for October 2024, please sign up using the QR code and we will be in touch when we have further information.
Are You and Early Years Leader Looking for Your Next Opportunity?
We are currently recruiting facilitators for our NPQEYL!
As a Teaching School Hub, we are responsible for providing access to each stage of the ‘golden thread’ of teacher development reforms, ensuring that each part is contextualised, geographically accessible and is high quality. From Initial Teacher Training, through the Early Career Framework, to National Professional Qualifications and evidence-based CPD, Potentia TSH ensures training and opportunities for all teachers, whatever their phase or career stage.
All of these deliverables require the highest quality facilitators who are both experienced and expert in their domain of delivery. As a facilitator, you will bring a wealth of expertise and experience to our programmes, which will bring the content alive for our participants. You will provide opportunities for contextualisation, networking and exploration of evidence-informed research to enable participants to become either ‘expert’ in their role or by supporting aspirant or current senior leaders.
Working with current or aspirant school leaders who are enroled on our programmes, as a facilitator you will be required to;
- Support participants within the cohort to identify specific goals related to implementing change within their contexts
- Provide challenge, feedback and support to participants across all face to face and webinar sessions
- Be familiar with the participants' self-study material for each block to advocate evidence, informed practice and enrich discussions
- Complete and return attendance registers after each session
- Direct participants to engage with the EDT platform throughout their NPQ, using it as a resource to enhance learning
- Positively engage with quality assurance processes conducted by both Potentia TSH and its Lead Provider
- Maintain lines of communication with the NPQ Lead either through regular contact or via attendance at facilitator feedback sessions
- Undertake recommended professional training and development activity, as required
Update on the NPQ Replacing the NASENCO Award
In September 2009, it became a statutory requirement for every new SENCO in a state mainstream school to gain the Master’s level national award for special educational needs co-ordinator (NASENCO) within 3 years of starting the job. The Department for Education announced in the SEND and alternative provision improvement plan that a new leadership level national professional qualification (NPQ) for SENCOs will replace the existing qualification. SENCOs who have successfully completed the NASENCO will not be required to complete the new national professional qualification.
The NPQ for SENCOs content framework sets out what participants should know and be able to do after completing the qualification.
The requirement to complete training within 3 years of appointment will continue to apply. Schools and SENCOs need to ensure that they are enroled on training that will allow them to meet this requirement.
Further guidance has been given for the transition depending on your current situation:
SENCOs can continue to sign up for the NASENCO qualification until the end of the academic year 2023 to 2024. SENCOs enroled on a NASENCO course commencing in the 2023 to 2024 academic year will be recognised as fulfilling the mandatory training requirement so long as this is completed within 3 years of taking up a SENCO post.
Where a SENCO starts in post during the 2023 to 2024 academic year and has not begun the NASENCO before September 2024, they will need to enrol on an NPQ course starting no later than Spring 2025 to meet the statutory requirements for the role.
Where an aspiring SENCO wishes to complete the NASENCO to meet the statutory requirements for the role, they must have started the NASENCO course before September 2024.
From September 2024, all SENCOs or aspiring SENCOs, that have not completed or started the NASENCO will be required to take the NPQ.
If you are interested in becoming a NPQEYL facilitator or you are looking to do NPQSENCo from October 2024, then please contact Jan Pierce on npq@potentiatsh.co.uk
Early Career Teachers (ECTs)
Well done to all those ECTs who have completed their induction and are finishing their ECT years in April! You will receive a certificate from EDT for your Early Career Framework and ECT Manager for induction through your registered email address. We wish you all the best for your future career in teaching.
Welcome to all of our new April starters and to those, part way through their induction, who have joined us in Derbyshire this term.
Please ensure that all ECTs new to you (whether they are new starters or ECTs who are at any point in their induction) are registered with both the AB and ECF – please see further details below.
April Starters
Early Career Framework
- Ensure your school and Induction Tutor details are correct on the DfE Manage My Early Career Teacher site Here. Once you are granted access, you will be able to register your ECTs and Mentors.
- Complete the Education Development Trust Expression of Interest form Here. (if you’re not already working with EDT and Potentia)
(ECTs and Mentors will need to register)
Appropriate Body
- Register your ECTs for their Induction via the Appropriate Body Services of ECT Manager for Potentia TSH Here.
(if your school isn’t yet registered you will need to register with the school and then add the ECTs and Induction Tutors)
School funding for mentors
Please can schools support mentors to engage with their online learning through their EDT login. Engagement is reported to the DfE via the EDT tracker, which in turn affects the funding that school will receive.
Here is an overview document of the AB and ECF
Upcoming events – all bookable via the EDT platform
September 2022 – ECT 11 & 12 / Mentor 11 & 12
January 2022(23) – ECT 9 & 10
April 2022(23) – ECT 7 & 8
September 2023 – ECT Local 5 & 6 event, Mentor 6 touch point
January 2023 (24) - ECT 3 & 4, Mentor Blocks 3-6
April 2023(24) Starters – Welcome webinar 24th April 2024
ECT 1 & 2 / Mentor 1 & 2 – These dates are currently being reviewed due to the intake across the programme. Please look out for comms directly with you if you have an April 24 Starter.
Early Career Framework training for the Summer term is now on the platform for ECTs and Mentors to sign up to in preparation for their next blocks of input. Click here to download the Summer events schedule for ECTs and Mentors
Upcoming events – information will be sent out via ECT Manager
Summer Term 2024
Early Career Framework training for the Summer term is now on the platform for ECTs and Mentors to sign up in preparation for their next blocks of input.
Click here to download the summer events schedule for ECTs and Mentors
Further Opportunities and Resources for ECTs
Early Years Teachers
Early Years Practitioners in all settings now have access to the newly appointed Early Years Stronger Practice Hub based in Alfreton, Derbyshire. Please visit their website to find out what support your ECTs can get from them.
Teacher Labour Market in England Annual Report 2024
NFER’s annual Teacher Labour Market report, funded by the Nuffield Foundation, monitors the progress the education system in England is making towards meeting the teacher supply challenge by measuring the key indicators of teacher supply and working conditions.
This sixth annual report shows that teacher supply is in a critical state, representing a substantial risk to the quality of education. Initial teacher training (ITT) recruitment this year is likely to continue to fall below what is needed to ensure sufficient staffing levels in schools.
Meanwhile, the number of teachers considering leaving teaching increased 44 per cent between 2021/22 and 2022/23. Ambitious, radical and cost-effective policy options are urgently needed to address these challenges.
Key Findings
- Secondary ITT recruitment in 2023/24 reached only half of its target while leaving rates have returned to pre-pandemic levels.
- ITT applications for 2024/25 so far show slight improvement in some subjects, but not enough to bring secondary recruitment in line with its target.
- Working hours increased significantly in 2022/23 compared to the previous year, driven in part by worsening pupil behaviour since the pandemic.
- Last year’s pay award helped to stall the real-terms fall in teacher pay since 2010/11. However, teacher pay growth has been outstripped by strong earnings growth since the pandemic in the wider labour market outside teaching
- Flexible working has become more common in teaching, but remote and hybrid working is more limited in teaching than in the graduate labour force. Compensating frontline public sector workers could help prevent the lack of remote working from undermining the attractiveness of these jobs.
To keep up to date with everything that is happening across your local TSH and the wider educational landscape, follow us on Twitter/X, Facebook or LinkedIn for regular updates and information.